Give the Gift of Fishing
Support for Teach A Child To Fish, sponsorship provides great reach directly to the hands of these families and communities attending these events.
Bottom line, the opportunity to sponsor a child's fishing trip or education is priceless.
Make a Donation Today!
With your generous donation , TACTF is able to create the amazing experience of fishing events and so much more.

Other Ways to Give
Demonstrate your commitment to Teach A Child To Fish as a Sponsor of its Youth Fishing Clinics and Tournaments.

Presenting Sponsor Benefits:
- Official name of the event will be promoted as Teach A Child To Fish, High School Fishing Tournament presented by YOUR organization name/logo.
- Presenting Sponsorship in digtal post on Facebook and instagram and Linkedth releases, High school digital flyer and media kit.
- Presenting Sponsorship receives targeted ad campaign displayed on all TACTF, tournament digital platforms, social channels, streaming platforms, and websites.
- Logo recognition on Podcast, Pre recorded footage reaired and multi-media distribution.
- Logo recognition on all secured in-kind print and digital advertisements.
- Banner advertisement on the website.
- Social Media Posts – (Nov – April).
- One Interactive Exhibitor Booth area at the event to promote your company, business or services providing the ability to handout promotional piece or samples to all attendees.
- Company Logo on the mobile fishing pond.
- Logo, with hyperlink back to corporation or organization website.
Platinum Sponsor Benefits:
- Platinum Sponsorship in digital post on Facebook and instagram and Linkedth releases, High School digital flyer and media kit.
- Logo recognition on Podcast, Pre recorded footages rearied and multi-media distrubiton.
- Logo recognition on all secured in-kind print and digital advertisements.
- Banner advertisment on the website.
- Logo recognition on all secured in-kind print and digital advertisements.
- Banner advertisement on the
- Social Media Posts – (Nov – April).
- One Interactive Exhibitor Booth area at the event to promote your company, business or services providing the ability to handout promotional piece or samples to attendees.
Silver Sponsor Benefits:
- Logo recognition on Podcast, pre recorded footage reaired, and multi-media distribution.
- Logo recognition on all secured in-kind print and digtial advertisements.
- Banner advertisement on the website.
- Social Media Posts- (Nov-April).
- One Interactive Exhibitor Booth area at the event to promote your company, business or services providing the ability to handout promotional piece to attendees.
Community Sponsor Benefits:
Businesses of any size can exhibit their product or service and demonstrate their support at the Teach A Child To Fish, High School Fishing Tournament, as a Community Sponsor.
- One Interactive Exhibitor Booth area with display table & chairs to promote your company, business or services and personally share promotional samples to all attendees and celebrity guests.
In- Kind Sponsorship Opportunities are also welcomed, and include food, beverage, goody bags, t-shirts, fishing supplies, etc., for each event.